Less than months before the November 8 presidential elections, psychics predicting the winning president have starting to surface, grabbing the media’s attention. Will it be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
Browning through the net and we can see that all the predictor/ FSM / Psychic choose to have the very first lady president in US.
Lam said that “Earth dog” Trump would likely have better fortune this year of the Monkey. Lam, however, said that Clinton, an Earth Dog, could expect a brighter year. But Lam disclosed that Clinton, who is in her second attempt for presidency this year, may find it hard to defeat Trump.
Kind of different from me!!! well Using Bazi and Vedic Astrology, we can use it to put up a predictive chart comparison between the two leader of who is most likely going to win the 8 November Presidency Election. While this may not be 100% representative of the result , the Trinity rule of achieving Heaven 33.3% (their birth chart) , Man 33.3%(their strategy and action) and Earth 33.3% (Fengshui of their place) luck is involved. To achieve a higher accuracy, we need to know the Feng Shui residency of both candidates, as the Earth energy contribute a further 33.3% to their success. Donald Trump has a Feng Shui master to aid him, so he might be having the advantage of Earth energy to assist him in the election, while there wasn't any news of Hillary Clinton having one. These calculation and prediction below are solely based on Chinese Bazi system and Vedic Astrology and is not fully representative of my political view on the United States. We are only using Heaven and future time to do the predictive model.
Why are the US election polls so close?
Both candidates suffer from unpopularity, both within their own parties and among the public at large.
Some big Republicans figures have refused to endorse Trump, while YouGov polling has shown that just over half of Bernie Sanders' supporters would back Clinton.
New York Times and CBS News polling has shown that the two candidates' popularity is limited by the public's lack of trust with both of them.
Just 33 per cent of Americas think Clinton is honest and trustworthy, compared to 35 per cent thinking the same of Trump; 57 per cent of people say they don't share Clinton's values, while the number is even higher for Trump, at 62 per cent.
More people think Clinton has the right kind of temperament and personality to be a good president, while Trump has the advantage when people pick the candidate who they think could bring about "real change" in Washington.
Both candidates suffer from unpopularity, both within their own parties and among the public at large.
Some big Republicans figures have refused to endorse Trump, while YouGov polling has shown that just over half of Bernie Sanders' supporters would back Clinton.
New York Times and CBS News polling has shown that the two candidates' popularity is limited by the public's lack of trust with both of them.
Just 33 per cent of Americas think Clinton is honest and trustworthy, compared to 35 per cent thinking the same of Trump; 57 per cent of people say they don't share Clinton's values, while the number is even higher for Trump, at 62 per cent.
More people think Clinton has the right kind of temperament and personality to be a good president, while Trump has the advantage when people pick the candidate who they think could bring about "real change" in Washington.
Election Date 8 NOV 2016
Donald John Trump
Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American businessman, television producer and politician, who is the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election. He is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization, which is the principal holding company for his real estate ventures and other business interests. During his career, Trump has built office towers, hotels, casinos, golf courses, an urban development project in Manhattan, and other branded facilities worldwide.
Born and raised in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood of the borough of Queens in New York City,
Born and raised in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood of the borough of Queens in New York City,
論己土: 己土卑溼,中正蓄藏,不愁木盛,不畏水狂,火少火晦,金多金光,若要物旺,宜助宜幫。
· 幸運數字為 4 與 9 Auspicious number :4 & 9
· 秋天較走運 Auspicious month : Autumn
· 申月、酉月、猴年和雞年運氣較好 Auspicious year: Monkey and Rooster
· 下午三點至下午七點是吉時 Auspicious timing: 1500 - 1900
· 西方是吉方 Auspicious direction: WEST
· 吉祥顏色是白色 Auspicious Color: White
· 穿衣用白色系列
· 勿傷心,注意呼吸系統、肺、腸
· 武術、擊搏、兵器運動、健身房運動也很好
· 和金有關的工作較容易
窮通寶鑑批命: 三夏己土,雜氣財官,禾稼在田,最喜甘沛,取癸為要,次用丙火,夏無太陽,禾稼不長,故無癸曰旱田,無丙曰孤陰。或丙癸兩透,又加辛金生癸,此富貴之格,名水火既濟,鼎甲之人,郤忌戊癸化合。或有丙無癸,有壬亦可,但不大發。或一丙火烈土,加以丁火制辛,癸水無根,如七八月之間旱,則苗槁矣,此命孤苦零丁,或有甲木,又見丙火重重,無濟水解炎,亦孤貧到老。如有壬水,又見庚辛,此又不作孤看,但恐目疾,心腎肝臟之災,若壬水有根,辛金得地,又非此而論,或壬癸並出,破火潤土,此人聰穎特達,富中取貴,又轉禍為福也。
四字斷終生: 打破愁園 , Words of life: Break through the lonely garden
性格分析: 主動、積極,好勝心強;心思敏捷,具有敏銳觀察力;意志堅強,非常有主見,善於處理和解決問題,做事要求完美。優點是企圖心強烈,會為達成目標全力以赴,成就很高。缺點是給自己太多壓力,缺乏耐性,喜歡指使別人。
一生流年運勢分析:Life Analysis
· 幸運數字為 4 與 9 Auspicious number :4 & 9
· 秋天較走運 Auspicious month : Autumn
· 申月、酉月、猴年和雞年運氣較好 Auspicious year: Monkey and Rooster
· 下午三點至下午七點是吉時 Auspicious timing: 1500 - 1900
· 西方是吉方 Auspicious direction: WEST
· 吉祥顏色是白色 Auspicious Color: White
· 穿衣用白色系列
· 勿傷心,注意呼吸系統、肺、腸
· 武術、擊搏、兵器運動、健身房運動也很好
· 和金有關的工作較容易
窮通寶鑑批命: 三夏己土,雜氣財官,禾稼在田,最喜甘沛,取癸為要,次用丙火,夏無太陽,禾稼不長,故無癸曰旱田,無丙曰孤陰。或丙癸兩透,又加辛金生癸,此富貴之格,名水火既濟,鼎甲之人,郤忌戊癸化合。或有丙無癸,有壬亦可,但不大發。或一丙火烈土,加以丁火制辛,癸水無根,如七八月之間旱,則苗槁矣,此命孤苦零丁,或有甲木,又見丙火重重,無濟水解炎,亦孤貧到老。如有壬水,又見庚辛,此又不作孤看,但恐目疾,心腎肝臟之災,若壬水有根,辛金得地,又非此而論,或壬癸並出,破火潤土,此人聰穎特達,富中取貴,又轉禍為福也。
四字斷終生: 打破愁園 , Words of life: Break through the lonely garden
性格分析: 主動、積極,好勝心強;心思敏捷,具有敏銳觀察力;意志堅強,非常有主見,善於處理和解決問題,做事要求完美。優點是企圖心強烈,會為達成目標全力以赴,成就很高。缺點是給自己太多壓力,缺乏耐性,喜歡指使別人。
一生流年運勢分析:Life Analysis
Now I had plotted his life graph. Let see what major things happen to Trump in history
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton; born October 26, 1947) is an American politician and the Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election.
Born in Chicago and raised in the suburban town of Park Ridge, Illinois
Born in Chicago and raised in the suburban town of Park Ridge, Illinois
論戊土: 戊土固重,既中且正,靜翕動闢,萬物司命,水潤物生,土燥物病,若在艮坤,怕沖宜靜。
· 幸運數字為 2 與 7 Auspicious number: 2,7
· 夏天或熱天氣較走運 Auspicious periods : Summer
· 午月、巳月、馬年和蛇年運氣較好 Auspicious years: Horse, Snake
· 上午九點至下午一點是吉時 Auspicious Time: 0900 - 1300
· 南方較熱是吉方 Auspicious direction: South
· 吉祥顏色是紅色 Auspicious Color: Red
· 穿衣用紅色系列
· 要常笑,注意心臟系統、血液循環、眼睛
· 和火有關的工作較容易
窮通寶鑑批命: 戌月戊土當權,不可專用丙,先看甲木,次取癸水,郤忌化合,見金先用癸水,後取丙火,配合支干,方成有生之土,定發云程。或無丙有癸,不見甲透者,衣衿小富,無癸丙,有甲者,衣食而已,若癸甲全無,雖有丙火,亦屬平常,或為僧道。或支成水局,壬癸透干,用戊止流,有比透反主富。支成火局,名土燥,不發。得金水兩透,此人清高,略可富貴,無水,一生困苦。
邵康節四字斷終生: 飢馬穿林 Words of life: Hungry Horse crossing the wood
性格分析: 頭腦冷靜、清晰,非常理性、踏實;認真、負責,做事非常有條理、有效率;客觀、公正,喜歡仗義執言。優點是具有很好的組織和管理能力,務實、果斷,能力很強。缺點是太過於嚴格和嚴肅,自我壓抑太大。
日柱看配偶: 戊土坐寅木之上,寅乃戊土長生之地,戊土為人謹慎朋友廣,好學有遠見。配偶能幹大方。
· 幸運數字為 2 與 7 Auspicious number: 2,7
· 夏天或熱天氣較走運 Auspicious periods : Summer
· 午月、巳月、馬年和蛇年運氣較好 Auspicious years: Horse, Snake
· 上午九點至下午一點是吉時 Auspicious Time: 0900 - 1300
· 南方較熱是吉方 Auspicious direction: South
· 吉祥顏色是紅色 Auspicious Color: Red
· 穿衣用紅色系列
· 要常笑,注意心臟系統、血液循環、眼睛
· 和火有關的工作較容易
窮通寶鑑批命: 戌月戊土當權,不可專用丙,先看甲木,次取癸水,郤忌化合,見金先用癸水,後取丙火,配合支干,方成有生之土,定發云程。或無丙有癸,不見甲透者,衣衿小富,無癸丙,有甲者,衣食而已,若癸甲全無,雖有丙火,亦屬平常,或為僧道。或支成水局,壬癸透干,用戊止流,有比透反主富。支成火局,名土燥,不發。得金水兩透,此人清高,略可富貴,無水,一生困苦。
邵康節四字斷終生: 飢馬穿林 Words of life: Hungry Horse crossing the wood
性格分析: 頭腦冷靜、清晰,非常理性、踏實;認真、負責,做事非常有條理、有效率;客觀、公正,喜歡仗義執言。優點是具有很好的組織和管理能力,務實、果斷,能力很強。缺點是太過於嚴格和嚴肅,自我壓抑太大。
日柱看配偶: 戊土坐寅木之上,寅乃戊土長生之地,戊土為人謹慎朋友廣,好學有遠見。配偶能幹大方。
Clinton Life graph
Now with the life graph I plotted. Let compare with her past events.
2000 U.S. Senate election
Main article: United States Senate election in New York, 2000
When New York's long-serving U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan announced his retirement in November 1998, several prominent Democratic figures, including Representative Charles Rangel of New York, urged Clinton to run for Moynihan's open seat in the Senate election of 2000.[225] Once she decided to run, the Clintons purchased a home in Chappaqua, New York, north of New York City, in September 1999.[226] She became the first first lady of the United States to be a candidate for elected office.[227] Initially, Clinton expected to face Rudy Giuliani, the Mayor of New York City, as her Republican opponent in the election. Giuliani withdrew from the race in May 2000 after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and matters related to his failing marriage became public, and Clinton instead faced Rick Lazio, a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives representing New York's 2nd congressional district. Throughout the campaign, opponents accused Clinton of carpetbagging, as she had never resided in New York nor participated in the state's politics before the 2000 Senate race.[228]
Clinton began her campaign, which was managed by Bill de Blasio, by visiting every county in the state, in a "listening tour" of small-group settings.[229] She devoted considerable time in traditionally Republican Upstate New York regions.[230] Clinton vowed to improve the economic situation in those areas, promising to deliver 200,000 jobs to the state over her term. Her plan included tax credits to reward job creation and encourage business investment, especially in the high-tech sector. She called for personal tax cuts for college tuition and long-term care.[230]
The contest drew national attention. Lazio blundered during a September debate by seeming to invade Clinton's personal space trying to get her to sign a fundraising agreement.[231] The campaigns of Clinton and Lazio, along with Giuliani's initial effort, spent a record combined $90 million.[232] Clinton won the election on November 7, 2000, with 55 percent of the vote to Lazio's 43 percent.[231] She was sworn in as U.S. senator on January 3, 2001,[233] making her the first (and so far only) woman to have held an elected office either while,[i] or after, serving as first lady
2006 re-election campaign
Main article: United States Senate election in New York, 2006
In November 2004, Clinton announced that she would seek a second Senate term. Clinton easily won the Democratic nomination over opposition from antiwar activist Jonathan Tasini.[261] The early frontrunner for the Republican nomination, Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, withdrew from the contest after several months of poor campaign performance.[262] Clinton's eventual opponent in the general election was Republican candidate John Spencer, a former mayor of Yonkers. Clinton won the election on November 7, 2006, with 67 percent of the vote to Spencer's 31 percent,[263] carrying all but four of New York's sixty-two counties.[264] Her campaign spent $36 million for her re-election, more than any other candidate for Senate in the 2006 elections. Some Democrats criticized her for spending too much in a one-sided contest, while some supporters were concerned she did not leave more funds for a potential presidential bid in 2008.[265] In the following months, she transferred $10 million of her Senate funds toward her presidential campaign.[266]
2008 presidential campaign
Main article: Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, 2008
Clinton had been preparing for a potential candidacy for U.S. President since at least early 2003.[275] On January 20, 2007, she announced via her website the formation of a presidential exploratory committee for the United States presidential election of 2008, stating "I'm in, and I'm in to win."[276] No woman had ever been nominated by a major party for the presidency, and no First Lady had ever run for President. When Bill Clinton became president in 1993, a blind trust was established; in April 2007, the Clintons liquidated the blind trust to avoid the possibility of ethical conflicts or political embarrassments as Hillary undertook her presidential race.[277] Later disclosure statements revealed that the couple's worth was now upwards of $50 million,[277] and that they had earned over $100 million since 2000, with most of it coming from Bill's books, speaking engagements, and other activities.[278]
Email controversy
Main article: Hillary Clinton email controversy
A controversy arose in March 2015, when it was revealed by the State Department's inspector general that Clinton had exclusively used personal email accounts on a non-government, privately maintained server—instead of email accounts maintained on federal government servers—when conducting official business during her tenure as secretary of state. Some experts, officials, members of Congress, and political opponents contended that her use of private messaging system software and a private server violated State Department protocols and procedures and federal laws and regulations governing recordkeeping requirements. The controversy occurred against the backdrop of Clinton's 2016 presidential election campaign and hearings held by the House Select Committee on Benghazi.[398][399]
2000 U.S. Senate election
Main article: United States Senate election in New York, 2000
When New York's long-serving U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan announced his retirement in November 1998, several prominent Democratic figures, including Representative Charles Rangel of New York, urged Clinton to run for Moynihan's open seat in the Senate election of 2000.[225] Once she decided to run, the Clintons purchased a home in Chappaqua, New York, north of New York City, in September 1999.[226] She became the first first lady of the United States to be a candidate for elected office.[227] Initially, Clinton expected to face Rudy Giuliani, the Mayor of New York City, as her Republican opponent in the election. Giuliani withdrew from the race in May 2000 after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and matters related to his failing marriage became public, and Clinton instead faced Rick Lazio, a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives representing New York's 2nd congressional district. Throughout the campaign, opponents accused Clinton of carpetbagging, as she had never resided in New York nor participated in the state's politics before the 2000 Senate race.[228]
Clinton began her campaign, which was managed by Bill de Blasio, by visiting every county in the state, in a "listening tour" of small-group settings.[229] She devoted considerable time in traditionally Republican Upstate New York regions.[230] Clinton vowed to improve the economic situation in those areas, promising to deliver 200,000 jobs to the state over her term. Her plan included tax credits to reward job creation and encourage business investment, especially in the high-tech sector. She called for personal tax cuts for college tuition and long-term care.[230]
The contest drew national attention. Lazio blundered during a September debate by seeming to invade Clinton's personal space trying to get her to sign a fundraising agreement.[231] The campaigns of Clinton and Lazio, along with Giuliani's initial effort, spent a record combined $90 million.[232] Clinton won the election on November 7, 2000, with 55 percent of the vote to Lazio's 43 percent.[231] She was sworn in as U.S. senator on January 3, 2001,[233] making her the first (and so far only) woman to have held an elected office either while,[i] or after, serving as first lady
2006 re-election campaign
Main article: United States Senate election in New York, 2006
In November 2004, Clinton announced that she would seek a second Senate term. Clinton easily won the Democratic nomination over opposition from antiwar activist Jonathan Tasini.[261] The early frontrunner for the Republican nomination, Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, withdrew from the contest after several months of poor campaign performance.[262] Clinton's eventual opponent in the general election was Republican candidate John Spencer, a former mayor of Yonkers. Clinton won the election on November 7, 2006, with 67 percent of the vote to Spencer's 31 percent,[263] carrying all but four of New York's sixty-two counties.[264] Her campaign spent $36 million for her re-election, more than any other candidate for Senate in the 2006 elections. Some Democrats criticized her for spending too much in a one-sided contest, while some supporters were concerned she did not leave more funds for a potential presidential bid in 2008.[265] In the following months, she transferred $10 million of her Senate funds toward her presidential campaign.[266]
2008 presidential campaign
Main article: Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, 2008
Clinton had been preparing for a potential candidacy for U.S. President since at least early 2003.[275] On January 20, 2007, she announced via her website the formation of a presidential exploratory committee for the United States presidential election of 2008, stating "I'm in, and I'm in to win."[276] No woman had ever been nominated by a major party for the presidency, and no First Lady had ever run for President. When Bill Clinton became president in 1993, a blind trust was established; in April 2007, the Clintons liquidated the blind trust to avoid the possibility of ethical conflicts or political embarrassments as Hillary undertook her presidential race.[277] Later disclosure statements revealed that the couple's worth was now upwards of $50 million,[277] and that they had earned over $100 million since 2000, with most of it coming from Bill's books, speaking engagements, and other activities.[278]
Email controversy
Main article: Hillary Clinton email controversy
A controversy arose in March 2015, when it was revealed by the State Department's inspector general that Clinton had exclusively used personal email accounts on a non-government, privately maintained server—instead of email accounts maintained on federal government servers—when conducting official business during her tenure as secretary of state. Some experts, officials, members of Congress, and political opponents contended that her use of private messaging system software and a private server violated State Department protocols and procedures and federal laws and regulations governing recordkeeping requirements. The controversy occurred against the backdrop of Clinton's 2016 presidential election campaign and hearings held by the House Select Committee on Benghazi.[398][399]
From My graph, Clinton is facing her decline in life from 2015.
The polling date is on 8 Nov 2016, which is 9th of Oct Monkey year in Chinese calendar, Autumn period which is all Trump auspicious sign.
Unforeseen or unexpected events can easily turn a sure bet prediction upside down. Still I believe in my prognostication and analysis. I guess I'm one of the few who choose this man. How about you?
The polling date is on 8 Nov 2016, which is 9th of Oct Monkey year in Chinese calendar, Autumn period which is all Trump auspicious sign.
Unforeseen or unexpected events can easily turn a sure bet prediction upside down. Still I believe in my prognostication and analysis. I guess I'm one of the few who choose this man. How about you?
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