People always ask me how to strike 4D. Here I were like to share with you a simple tips.
You need to be so lucky in order to have luck to strike 4D and enjoy the windfall luck. Be Humble persons, have a good feng shui deco at home will help you to attract good luck continuously.
I like to share this free fengshui tips that you can DIY it at a cost of $1. Yes, $1 to increase your luck and win some 4d. But this tips only last for few months and it will not be huge windfall such as top 3 prize.( You paid what your get).
I like to share this free fengshui tips that you can DIY it at a cost of $1. Yes, $1 to increase your luck and win some 4d. But this tips only last for few months and it will not be huge windfall such as top 3 prize.( You paid what your get).
Want to attract auspicious luck into your house? Just follow what I did. Buy 22 fresh middle size Chili(not frozen type) ,tie 10 chilis that represent 10 天干(left hand side) and 12 chilis that represent 12 地支 (right hand side) using five Colour string 五色绳 or red string, hang at both side of the door according to your personal auspicious timing.(life Analysis will tell you your auspicious timing). If you don't know your auspicious timing, you can hang during 午时.
Think to take note: Some will encounter the chili drop down, few chili turn mouldy after few days. Just replace it. If you had strike some windfall after hanging, Keep the chilis till it air dry. Remember to buy your unit number, but I cannot guarantee you that it will come out actual number, usually you need to roll it. This tips is only help you to draw the good luck flowing outside your corridor to your house but fengshui setting inside your house do play a big parts. 天干[1],是中国古代的一种文字计序符号,共10个字: 甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸,循环使用。 地支是指木星轨道被分成的十二个部分,记为子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。木星的公转周期大约为十二年,所以中国古代用木星来纪年,故而称为“岁星”。后来又将这十二个部分命名,这就是“地支”。 午时即日中,又名日正、中午等:(上午11时正至下午 1 时正)。而正午十二时又有平午、平昼、亭午等别称。如宋苏舜钦《紫阁寺联句诗》:“日光平午见,雾气半天蒸。”这时候太阳最猛烈,相传这时阳气达到极限,阴气将会产生,而马是阴类动物。十二时辰是古人根据一日间太阳出没的自然规律、天色的变化以及自己日常的生产活动、生活习惯而归纳总结、独创于世的。 Hope all follower will have a lucky months. Good luck WindZ |