在风水学中,朱砂是经由日月精华的矿脉中采集,因吸收天地之正气,所以带有极强的磁场。 但是很多人都不清楚,朱砂在风水中的作用,今天我们就来为大家详细讲解一下,朱砂在风水中的作用。 朱砂是什么 《本草纲目》记载:朱砂,原名丹砂,为本经上品。李时珍谓后人以丹为朱色之名,故称朱砂。 朱砂是硫化汞的天然矿石,属三方晶系。晶体成厚板状或菱面体,在自然界中单体少见,多呈粒状、致密状块体出现,也有呈粉末状被膜者。颜色为朱红色至黑红色,有时带铅灰色。条痕为红色。金刚光泽,半透明。 朱砂其晶体可作为激光技术的重要材料。还是中药材,具镇静、安神和杀菌等功效。中国古代用它作为炼丹的重要原料。
朱砂在风水中的作用 1、辟邪、镇煞 在风水学中,朱砂是经由日月精华的矿脉中采集,因吸收天地之正气,所以带有极强的磁场。 与玉石、天珠不同,如果将朱砂握在手心里感觉是温暖的,这也说明朱砂是带有极强阳气的磁场。 道家、仙佛用于开光、辟邪、镇煞等都非用朱砂不可,而人们也一直将朱砂当成是开运、镇煞、祈福纳财的上上之极品。 由于朱砂属于六晶系矿脉,采集过程极为不易,提炼成纯矿更是困难重重,因而铸炼成立体佛像则更属上乘极品,因此朱砂饰品是镇宅、避煞、开运、祈福纳财的吉祥物之一。 朱砂能辟邪是因为邪生于阴、存于阴、发于阴,人受于阴则会阴阳失去平衡,就会存阴、受阴、生邪,不能正道。 而朱砂在中医、道教中称之为极阳之物,具有平衡阴阳气场之功能,人需阴阳平衡才能得以健康长寿、悠闲自得。 而且我国中医很早就发现,朱砂有特殊的镇静、催眠、抗惊厥的作用。所以,在传统中医药的方剂中,医治这类疾病,首选的药物就是朱砂。这应该就是最早的民间用朱砂“辟邪”的原因之一。 朱砂因为具有很强的阳气磁场,常被用来驱逐不洁之物。比如说有的房屋风水不好,阴气太重,那么放上朱砂或者朱砂做成的饰品都能起到很好的效果。或者有的物品因为来路不明让人担心可能受到煞气污染,那么用朱砂净化也能起到辟邪的作用。
2、转运、开运 在风水学中,朱砂还是一种能转运和开运的风水吉祥物。比如长期被小人困扰或者运势低迷,可以用朱砂放在香囊中随身携带,这样能有转运的效果。 在车内放上朱砂风水饰物,也能保佑车主平安,尤其对于一些上夜班,或者在屠宰场、殡仪馆等地方上班的人来说,朱砂饰物更能带来好运。 3、招福、纳财 朱砂因为鲜艳的色彩和强大的风水作用,也被做成各种风水摆饰,如果放在相应的位置,能够给主人带来运势的提升。 比如说,将朱砂放在流年财位上,能够招财纳福,带旺主人的财运。而放在生肖位或者桃花位上,能够带旺主人的个人运势和桃花运。
Feng Shui and Cinnabar2
The ancient tradition of Feng Shui draws on many sources to heal and benefit people. Colors, minerals, movements, and many natural elements are used to bring balance to the yin and yang, and encourage positive energy. For over 3000 years, it has been utilized, first in the East and recently in the West.
One of the important minerals used in Feng Shui Products is cinnabar. Cinnabar is a naturally occurring mineral, found around volcanic activity and hot springs. Also known as vermilion, cinnabar has a rich red to red-orange color. Red is the most yang of colors making this mineral very masculine and positive, but with potential for destruction if allowed to run wild. Cinnabar is recognized as mystical due to coming from the very heart (blood) and heat (fire) of the earth. It has the ability to expel bad chi and evil forces while bringing in good fortune. Cinnabar is often used by Feng Shui Practitioners to open the doors of opportunity and prosperity while putting to rest the negative experiences of the past.
While cinnabar has many positive qualities, it is important to handle it carefully in its raw or powdered form. This mineral has high levels of mercury so can be toxic if ingested, inhaled, or placed on an open wound. After touching or using raw cinnabar, it is important to always wash the hands well. It is quite safe to handle when in the form of jewellery or other Feng Shui Products, such as bracelets or Cinnabar Eggs.
On the more spiritual level, cinnabar is good for removing negative energies and drawing in wealth and abundance. Many Feng Shui practitioners encourage keeping a Cinnabar Egg on the work desk to help dispel and protect again stress and negativity while encouraging creativity and good fortune.
The ancient tradition of Feng Shui draws on many sources to heal and benefit people. Colors, minerals, movements, and many natural elements are used to bring balance to the yin and yang, and encourage positive energy. For over 3000 years, it has been utilized, first in the East and recently in the West.
One of the important minerals used in Feng Shui Products is cinnabar. Cinnabar is a naturally occurring mineral, found around volcanic activity and hot springs. Also known as vermilion, cinnabar has a rich red to red-orange color. Red is the most yang of colors making this mineral very masculine and positive, but with potential for destruction if allowed to run wild. Cinnabar is recognized as mystical due to coming from the very heart (blood) and heat (fire) of the earth. It has the ability to expel bad chi and evil forces while bringing in good fortune. Cinnabar is often used by Feng Shui Practitioners to open the doors of opportunity and prosperity while putting to rest the negative experiences of the past.
While cinnabar has many positive qualities, it is important to handle it carefully in its raw or powdered form. This mineral has high levels of mercury so can be toxic if ingested, inhaled, or placed on an open wound. After touching or using raw cinnabar, it is important to always wash the hands well. It is quite safe to handle when in the form of jewellery or other Feng Shui Products, such as bracelets or Cinnabar Eggs.
On the more spiritual level, cinnabar is good for removing negative energies and drawing in wealth and abundance. Many Feng Shui practitioners encourage keeping a Cinnabar Egg on the work desk to help dispel and protect again stress and negativity while encouraging creativity and good fortune.
Prices: $50/
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