Tai Sui, also known as Grand Duke Jupiter or Grand Commander of the Year is probably one of the most highly respected and feared deity in the Chinese beliefs. It is said that if your Zodiac animal clashes with the Tai Sui or you have inadvertently offended him, bad luck will befall you for the whole year. In order to have a good and peaceful year, you need to pay your respect to the Tai Sui.
There are two diverging explanation on the origin of Tai Sui. According to the scientific school of thought the Tai Sui phenomena is attributable to the movement of Jupiter (hence the name Grand Duke Jupiter), which impacts the magnetic field around us, depending on the year we were born.
Whereas in the Chinese mythology, the Grand Duke Jupiter or more commonly known as Tai Sui (太 岁) is actually a position in the celestial heavens which is in charge of the world's affairs for a particular year, i.e determining the annual fortunes of all of us mortal beings. Just as the Jade Emperor is the Ruler of Heaven, the year Tai Sui is the Ruler of Earth. The above is related to the Taoist calendar which is organized into a series of twelve Earthly Branches (the Chinese Zodiac animals) rotating in accordance to the five elements, resulting in a 60 year cycle. And in other words, there are 60 heavenly generals who would rotate to take up this almighty position. A person's happiness, health, luck and fortune are all under his watchful eye. It actually serves as a reminder to stay away from evil activities, to take good care of health and to perform more caring activities. The year Tai Sui will take note of all the good deeds and misdeeds of everyone. In 2017, the ruling Tai Sui is General Tang Jie 丁酉年太岁唐杰大将军
Therefore irrespective of whether Tai Sui is a deity or a star (a “body of energy”), it pays to heed the location of the Tai Sui of the year so as not to inadvertently disturb him (or it!). An offended Tai Sui will cause misfortunes, from mild to the severe kind. Every year two of the Zodiac animals must take steps to appease the Tai Sui because one is directly afflicted (sitting) whilst the other is directly in conflict (facing) with the Grand Duke. As Tai Sui is always located in the same compass direction as the Year Animal Sign, this is the afflicted Zodiac whilst the sign in the diagonally opposite sector is said to be in conflict with Tai Sui.
What this means is that you have incurred the wrath of Tai Sui (or in some kind of energy conflict with the ruling star, if you like) and remedial steps must be taken to appease him and preventive measures carried out to avoid further offending him. The basic rules to remember are:
To ensure that the year a smooth and rewarding year ahead, remedial steps must be taken to appease him and preventive measures carried out to avoid further offending him.
In year 2017, the afflicted zodiac signs areas under-mentioned
Rooster (值太岁 ) – 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Rabbit (冲太岁) – 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Rat (破太岁) – 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Dog (害太岁) – 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
Do’s and Don’ts For People who 犯太岁
The essential rules to remember are:
To mitigate the above, it is significant the following be observed:
To help you plan ahead, the position of the ruling Tai Sui in the recent past and coming years are as follows:
The 60 Tai Sui Chart
There are two diverging explanation on the origin of Tai Sui. According to the scientific school of thought the Tai Sui phenomena is attributable to the movement of Jupiter (hence the name Grand Duke Jupiter), which impacts the magnetic field around us, depending on the year we were born.
Whereas in the Chinese mythology, the Grand Duke Jupiter or more commonly known as Tai Sui (太 岁) is actually a position in the celestial heavens which is in charge of the world's affairs for a particular year, i.e determining the annual fortunes of all of us mortal beings. Just as the Jade Emperor is the Ruler of Heaven, the year Tai Sui is the Ruler of Earth. The above is related to the Taoist calendar which is organized into a series of twelve Earthly Branches (the Chinese Zodiac animals) rotating in accordance to the five elements, resulting in a 60 year cycle. And in other words, there are 60 heavenly generals who would rotate to take up this almighty position. A person's happiness, health, luck and fortune are all under his watchful eye. It actually serves as a reminder to stay away from evil activities, to take good care of health and to perform more caring activities. The year Tai Sui will take note of all the good deeds and misdeeds of everyone. In 2017, the ruling Tai Sui is General Tang Jie 丁酉年太岁唐杰大将军
Therefore irrespective of whether Tai Sui is a deity or a star (a “body of energy”), it pays to heed the location of the Tai Sui of the year so as not to inadvertently disturb him (or it!). An offended Tai Sui will cause misfortunes, from mild to the severe kind. Every year two of the Zodiac animals must take steps to appease the Tai Sui because one is directly afflicted (sitting) whilst the other is directly in conflict (facing) with the Grand Duke. As Tai Sui is always located in the same compass direction as the Year Animal Sign, this is the afflicted Zodiac whilst the sign in the diagonally opposite sector is said to be in conflict with Tai Sui.
What this means is that you have incurred the wrath of Tai Sui (or in some kind of energy conflict with the ruling star, if you like) and remedial steps must be taken to appease him and preventive measures carried out to avoid further offending him. The basic rules to remember are:
To ensure that the year a smooth and rewarding year ahead, remedial steps must be taken to appease him and preventive measures carried out to avoid further offending him.
In year 2017, the afflicted zodiac signs areas under-mentioned
Rooster (值太岁 ) – 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Rabbit (冲太岁) – 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Rat (破太岁) – 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Dog (害太岁) – 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
Do’s and Don’ts For People who 犯太岁
The essential rules to remember are:
To mitigate the above, it is significant the following be observed:
- Tai Sui is particularly sensitive about direct confrontation. Try not to sit facing or sleep with your head pointing to the direction of Grand Duke Jupiter.
- Tai Sui dislikes noise and commotion. Avoid construction work including repair work, in the Tai Sui location.
- You never know when and where you have offended Tai Sui. Just in case, carry protective amulets – sacred talisman from temples, Pi Yao, Tai Sui Image or Tai Sui Mantra.
- Be involved and attend joyous celebrations as much as you can in order to rub some positive energies happy people and occasion.
- Avoid attending funerals or going to hospital if you can.
- You can choose to go for wisdom tooth extraction or blood donation as they are some ways to overcome 血光之灾
- Do charity and be good
- Avoid any extreme sports or any adventurous trips
- Send your car for routine check to prevent any accidents on the road and of course drive carefully
- Do not take any risky investment or career changes
- Perform An Tai Sui or Pacifying Tai Sui ritual to neutralize influences and blessings, protection and good fortune throughout the year.
- Be involved and attend joyous celebrations as much as you can in order to rub some positive energies happy people and occasion.
To help you plan ahead, the position of the ruling Tai Sui in the recent past and coming years are as follows:
The 60 Tai Sui Chart
太岁又称太岁星君,太岁就是天上的木星,因为木星每年运行一次,所以古人称木星为岁星或太岁星君;它既是星辰,也是民间奉祀的神祗。十天干与十二地支按顺序两两相配,从甲子到癸亥,共六十个组合,故称六十甲子。太岁星君为六十花甲子,六十年轮临人间当值,由斗姥天尊统帅,审查人间善恶,司本命祸福,因此又称为六十太岁。2017 丁酉年太岁唐杰大将军
太岁又称太岁星君,太岁就是天上的木星,因为木星每年运行一次,所以古人称木星为岁星或太岁星君;它既是星辰,也是民间奉祀的神祗。十天干与十二地支按顺序两两相配,从甲子到癸亥,共六十个组合,故称六十甲子。太岁星君为六十花甲子,六十年轮临人间当值,由斗姥天尊统帅,审查人间善恶,司本命祸福,因此又称为六十太岁。2017 丁酉年太岁唐杰大将军
進入2017年丁酉雞年,天干丁火與酉金相剋,今年為金火相戰的一年,在雞年裡,哪些生肖犯太歲從而導致運勢起伏不定呢?2017年犯太歲怎麼化解呢?每逢一年的這個時候,很多人都會去了解一些自己生肖與八字方面的情況,比如有些人看看在來年裡面會不會犯太歲、有沒有桃花、利不利財運等等。一聽到犯太歲,很多人立刻不淡定,因為在很多人的觀念裡面,犯太歲代表不好,其實,這並不是一定的事情,有些人犯太歲反而招來好運氣。 中國幾千年的民俗中有犯太歲一說,那麼為什麼會有這一說法,其中又有哪些人不好呢?首先讓我們了解一下關於太歲方面的知識。 何為太歲呢?木星在我國的古代稱為「歲星」,運行的周期恰好是大概十二年繞太陽一圈,而我們的生肖又恰好是十二個,周期相同,這樣的話就會每年與一個生肖相相伴隨走過,每到木星運行到特定位置的時候,肯定會與曆法上的某個生肖相同,這就對這個生肖不利。 從地支的五行生剋的角度,我們會看的更加直觀一些。主要是與當年太歲的地支相同、相衝、相刑、相害造成的。太歲為當年的領導,就相當於你所在的單位中的領導一樣,下屬若對領導不利,自己肯定是要受傷的。 2017年犯太歲的4大生肖:屬雞、屬兔、屬狗、屬鼠之人 2017雞年犯太歲及破解方法: 屬鼠的人2017年犯太歲及破解方法 生肖屬鼠人來到2017丁酉雞年,子酉相破,雖然有破太歲之象,但所屬的犯太歲類別影響較輕微,對整體運勢的阻礙不大。加上雞年有【太陰】、【天喜】及【地解】三顆吉星駕臨,運勢其實頗為理想,尤其事業運及財運將有不俗發展。 吉星之一的【太陰】代表女性貴人星,倘若直屬上司或老闆是女性,雞年將容易受到賞識。另外,此星也屬於一顆穩步上揚的財星,只要不過分急進,雞年的財運將可有漸進式的進帳。至於【天喜】則有喜慶之意,代表屬鼠人今年有喜慶之事出現,如添丁、職業、結婚等,無論在事業、正財及偏財運上也有進步。而另一顆吉星【地解】同屬貴人星,代表雞年有搬遷或置業的機會,亦有貴人代為解決問題。 只是屬鼠人亦要留意,雞年始終屬破太歲之年,象徵容易遭人陷害,加上受【貫索】等小凶星影響,人際關係及家宅運特別容易受到衝擊。【貫索】即口舌是非,直接影響屬鼠人的人際關係,故在職場上應儘量保持低調,凡事多加忍讓,以免遭受攻擊影響運勢。雞年需多花時間關心家中長輩及伴侶健康,亦要提防個人的身體容易出現小毛病,尤其有關皮膚及神經系統的疾病更要加倍提防。 其實破太歲未必是一面倒的壞影響,傳統上亦有所謂【一喜擋三災,無喜是非來】。倘若猴年曾舉辦喜事,如結婚、生兒育女或置業,這種喜慶運則可在丁酉雞年延續下去。如果羊年未有喜事發生,亦可積極考慮在雞年嫁娶添丁、置業或創業等,有利把太歲的衝擊力量減到最低。至於未有以上喜事發生者就要特別提防,尤其感情上會出現較多爭拗,個人情緒亦會受影響,建議儘量不要探病問喪,多出席喜慶場合,提升正能量及歡樂氣氛。 整體而言,屬鼠人在雞年的事業及財運強勁,惟需特別謹言慎行,以免惹來無謂的是非口舌; 如能妥善處理人際關係,則對整體運勢更有助益。 屬兔的人2017年運程大全及破解 生肖屬兔人與雞相衝,故屬兔人來到2017丁酉雞年要面對沖太歲的影響,而且卯木與酉金相衝,金木相戰,力量極為強勁,屬兔人將會是眾多生肖當中最受衝擊的一員。不過,古人有云:「一喜擋三災,無喜是非來」,倘若屬兔人在2017年里有結婚、添丁、置業或創業等喜事沖喜,新一年的運勢將會較為穩定,否則就要有心理準備迎接較多變化的一年。而相衝年份亦要多注意個人健康,容易有受傷跌傷情況,人際關係亦會進入倒退期,故凡事需要加倍忍讓,以免衝動行事而拖垮運勢。 所幸屬兔人2017年有【板鞍】吉星駕臨,此星代表出門走動、向遠方發展之意;遇上【板鞍】又恰巧是相衝年,倘若從商者本身有海外業務,又或是打工一族需要出差者,2017年會是離開原始地發展的最佳時機,亦可考慮到外地進修,應驗沖太歲的運勢。至於【天解】並非亦傳統的吉星,此星象徵解決困難、化險為夷,亦有先難後易之意,屬兔人雖有貴人扶持,但仍需要經歷波折,問題將會逐一解決。 凶星方便,2017年有【欄干】入主,代表困難重重、一波三折,2017年會遇上較多阻滯,需要耐心面對;【歲破】則是人際關係上的破敗,新一年容易得罪他人,亦會因此而破財;加上代表金錢損失的【大耗】凶星入宮,2017年需要特別注意理財方向,以免入不敷支;【災煞】象徵感情及事業的上落較大,故2017年凡事應加倍謹慎,切記三思而後行。 由於2017年要面對各種挑戰,再加上【板鞍】入宮,故不妨以動制靜避開相衝。另外,由於運勢的穩定性不高,無論是投資或個人健康亦要小心,並多加注意家居布置,將有煞氣的物品如尖刀、石頭等移走,留意五黃災星及二黑病星位置,亦可於雞年年初進行拜太歲儀式,儘量減低沖太歲的影響。 屬雞的人2017年運程大全及破解 生肖屬雞進入2017丁酉雞年,也就是本命年,而且地支酉酉自刑,也是刑太歲之年。不過,【犯太歲】基實是一個中性名詞,意味著雞年將會遇到較多突如其來的變化,整體運勢好壞則因不同命格而異,但始終屬犯本命年太歲之年,事情的發展容易各走極端。古人云【一喜擋三災,無喜是非來】,倘若屬雞人有結婚、添丁、置業及創業等喜事沖喜,則可主動應驗變化,將本命年的衝擊減到最低。相反,如果雞年未有喜事發生,就要有心理準備迎接較多衝擊,面對人生關口年需加倍謹慎應對;而且屬雞的人2017雞年裡酉酉相刑,刑太歲之年容易受到傷害與錢財損耗,要特別注意安全,投資或者置業都應當以謹慎為主;自刑即與自己過意不去,常因小事而耿耿於懷,影響情緒,從而影響事業與人際。 可幸的是屬雞人在2017丁酉雞年有不少吉星相助,包括【歲駕】、【文昌貴人】及【將星】、【天乙貴人】等吉星拱照。【歲駕】是古時皇帝坐轎出巡、光芒四射的景象,代表新一年事業發展順遂,工作表現出色,才華亦會備受上司認同;【將星】有利於才華的發揮,尤其是管理職位的人員,今年工作可謂得心應手,下屬得力,有望開創事業新的高峰。至於【文昌】則有利讀書、考試及升遷,屬雞人不妨趁這年積極進修,為未來作好準備。 不過受太歲凶星影響,雞年即使表面看似順遂的事情也容易一波三折,故凡事宜有兩手準備,冷靜沉著應變。另一顆凶星【劍鋒】則代表雞年容易受傷跌傷,尤其工作需要接觸金屬或機械者更要加倍提防,以免受傷流血。另外,由於雞年有【伏屍】入主,屬雞人新一年需要多留意家人及伴侶的健康,切忌諱疾忌醫。 總括而言,屬雞人新一年的事業運將有不俗發展,倘若能保持圓融和諧的人際關係,對整體運勢亦有所增長。另外,受本命年影響,健康運較疲弱,建議可於猴年年底作身體檢查,並於雞年之始拜太歲及進行捐血、洗牙等儀式,主動應驗血光之災; 雞年亦要移走家中具煞氣之物,如尖刀、石頭等物品,以免觸動病位,令健康運進一步下滑。 屬狗的人2017年運程大全及破解 生肖屬狗人來到2017年丁酉雞年,流年逢酉戌相害,為害太歲的一年,有輕微犯太歲的跡象;所幸今年吉星高照,尤其是擁有一組與事業有關的吉星,包括【太陽】、【天乙】、【天空】及【唐符】,意味著握年將可獲有力的貴人之助,加上本身鬥志及創作力旺盛,事業上將會有突破性的發展。 【太陽】是一顆強而有力的傳統吉星,代表光照遠方,故屬狗人將會獲貴人助力,在職場上大放光光芒。此星亦有力量擴散之意,故特別適宜往外地發展,從商者不妨考慮將業務拓展到海外市場,【太陽】亦代表男性貴人,所以屬狗的女性2017年感情連會有更佳發展,魅力提升,容易受到異性歡迎。 另外2017年亦有【天乙】吉星駕臨,此星同屬大貴人星。事業上倍添助力,尤其是工作需與人接觸或對從事銷售行業的屬狗人更為有利。【天空】則主實宰創意及靈感,雞年創作靈感豐富,倘若本身從事創作行業如設計、寫作及編劇等將會靈感不絕。至於【唐符】則是朝氣、威望及領導能力的象徵,對於從事警隊、消防或海關等紀律部隊的屬狗人將大為有利。由於2017年集合多顆吉星之助,會得到上司、朋友及家人的支持,故要好好把握流年的機遇,勇往直前,為事業發展奠下基礎。 不過,要注意2017年始終是害太歲的年份,代表今年工作或者生活上小人較多,容易與人發生爭吵,工作上往往受到小人的干擾而前功盡棄,不得不加以提防。【晦氣】也是人際關係上的破敗,容易因為溝通不足而遭人埋怨。故2017年即使有多顆貴人星之助,屬狗人仍需謹言慎行,待人處事應儘量低調,以免言語開罪別人而影響運勢。 總括而言,屬狗人2017年獲貴人助力,事業將可更上一層樓;女性的感情亦有望發展,加上財運不俗,整體運勢順遂,惟需留意有財來財去之象,要格外慎重理財。建議屬狗人年初進行拜太歲或者佩戴化太歲的飾品以化解害太歲帶來的不利情況。 二、2017年犯太歲注意事項 所謂「太歲當頭過,無福必有禍」,對於2017年犯太歲的生肖,不能選擇逃避的心態應對,因為犯太歲雖然不一定會造成不好的影響,但也不能掉以輕心,必要的化解工作還是需要的,凡犯太歲的朋友,年初皆可淘寶聚仙堂請一道專業化解犯太歲的「聚仙堂化太歲錦囊」以化解犯太歲的災厄煞氣。 1、2017年犯太歲可以結婚嗎 民間常有犯太歲不能結婚的說法,其實這種說法是片面的,犯太歲固然會導致流年運勢起伏較大,往往造成情緒不穩定,壓力也會比較大,但是結婚是「一喜擋三災」,也就是我們常說的沖喜,不過犯太歲的年份結婚還是需要根據男女雙方的生辰八字挑選好良辰吉日,切忌選擇犯太歲的月份、日子甚至出門的時辰,那就是犯上加犯太歲了,選擇好的吉日時辰可使得婚姻有個美好的開端。對於2017年犯太歲的適婚男女,結婚對運勢反而會有積極的提升作用。 2、日常坐臥要避開太歲方位 2017年雞年太歲方位在正西方,歲破方(沖太歲方位)在正東方,床頭或者辦公桌朝向最好避開此方位,因為我們日常活動接觸時間最多的就是床上和辦公桌,如這兩個方位在犯太歲方,就直接造成身體的磁場受到犯太歲的干擾,造成睡眠不佳、時運不濟、心緒不寧、辦公效率低等情況,同時請一道專業化解犯太歲的「开光纯铜八卦太岁符九星化煞钱貔貅八卦挂件铜太岁挂饰」可化解2017年的太歲凶煞。 3、遠離口舌是非 犯太歲的年份里小人是非在所難免,面對工作生活上的流言蜚語,要理智對待,如無必要,勿強出頭,保持低調方為上策。一個人緣好的人,即使遇到犯太歲的年份,也只會是貴人多於小人。 4、開車人士要注意安全 2017年犯太歲健康方面最忌血光之災,尤其是屬猴本命年和和屬虎沖太歲,開車時要遵守交通規則、避免酒後駕駛是最佳的自我保護方式,同時請一道專業化解犯太歲的「开光纯铜八卦太岁符九星化煞钱貔貅八卦挂件铜太岁挂饰」可化解2017年的太歲凶煞或開車平安符可化解2017犯太歲導致交通不利。 5、年初可拜太歲或者上香祈福 如條件允許,年初可到附近的寺廟或者道觀進行拜太歲或者上香祈福。 6. 尽量不要参加白事,避免受影响 就民间一些经验来说,但凡犯太岁的朋友,应该尽量不参加白事,只要做到了这一点,即使真犯太岁流年不利,也可以保平安。因为一个人真犯太岁,或冲太岁,说明元辰弱,弱则容易被不干净的东西侵犯。因此,对于犯太岁的朋友来说,应该尽量参加白事。如果是至亲则不忌,但建议现场下葬时请背向坟地。 7,多参加一些喜事或热闹的活动或场合 同样地,事实上证明,一些喜事或热闹的场合或活动中,人气是旺盛的,所谓物以类聚,人以群分,这句话还是有道理的。所以,如果你刚好犯太岁,又很担心,不妨多参加一些喜事或一些好事等,也会很有作用。 8,立春当天可以“躲太岁” 一般来说,犯太岁的生肖,在这一年里容易有不利的事情发生。所以,这些生肖的人一般要敬奉太岁星君以保平安。除此之外,还会在立春之日新旧太岁交替之时,需要“躲太岁”(俗称“躲春”)。躲太岁指的是为躲避太岁对生肖猴、蛇、虎、猪之人的伤害,这些生肖的人需要躲太岁,即在立春时静待两个太岁的交接。在立春之日,2017年2月3日23时46分,这就是太岁的交接时间。犯太岁生肖的人从2月3号的23时开始,到4号1时的这段时间里,最好自己独自躲在一个房间里(不要让其他人打扰),静静等待两个太岁的交接,就为躲太岁。 |
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