WindZ Feng Shui
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Authentic Feng Shui has deep roots and an expansive branching system that encompasses the studies of sociology, the I Ching, environmentalism, yin/yang theory, urbanism and architecture. Landforms, waterways, roads, compass directions, fate and the passage of time all contribute rich layers to the foundation upon which buildings stand. Once inside, the walls, doors, windows, thresholds, stairways, drains and ducts provide the next layer. Finishing touches of light, color, sound, flooring, furniture and artwork provide the visuals. Lastly, those who live or work in a building infuse their own personal energy into the place; they enrich the building with their presence and it reciprocates by imprinting them.
How each of these design details relates to modern day strategies for improving careers, relationships, health and fortune is where the Feng Shui story begins. Where it leads is up to you.
Because of its power and effectiveness, Feng Shui knowledge was traditionally a guarded secret, one that was not accessible to the general population. The teachings were transmitted orally from Masters to a limited number of students; confidentiality was strictly required.
These ancient scholars are the equivalent of today's scientists. They saw the world as a uniqum in which 'life-force energy', or Qi, was the main component. They believed that most illnesses could be prevented and that people’s well being could be preserved and reinforced by applying Traditional Feng Shui to ensure a proper flow of Qi in the environment, and Tai Qi, Qi Gong, Shiatsu Massage and Acupuncture to ensure a proper flow of Qi in the body. Like those ancient scholars, today’s Feng Shui masters understand the pattern of this energy flow; they understood that any living creature could benefit from this technique, especially humankind.
Seasonal cycles, locations, orientations and weather conditions could, however, create imbalances. The ancient scholars therefore created formulas that continue to be applied today to understand the forces of nature by analyzing the Qi frequencies and the combination of elements or the lack of elements that make up our environment. They acknowledged that every element in the physical world, each with its unique energy type, is constituted of the 'life force', or Qi. According to them these energy types correspond to materials that exist in nature, such as Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood and there is a color scheme that corresponds to each energy type.
As a Tibetan Buddhism practitioner, I will introduce some practise Puja and Dorje together with Tibetan feng shui practise to Buddhism only.
Let’s open the door to authentic Feng Shui and its many useful and practical applications for the modern world. Thousands of years of accumulated wisdom are there to guide you along the way.
Wishing you an abundance of good ch’i,
How each of these design details relates to modern day strategies for improving careers, relationships, health and fortune is where the Feng Shui story begins. Where it leads is up to you.
Because of its power and effectiveness, Feng Shui knowledge was traditionally a guarded secret, one that was not accessible to the general population. The teachings were transmitted orally from Masters to a limited number of students; confidentiality was strictly required.
These ancient scholars are the equivalent of today's scientists. They saw the world as a uniqum in which 'life-force energy', or Qi, was the main component. They believed that most illnesses could be prevented and that people’s well being could be preserved and reinforced by applying Traditional Feng Shui to ensure a proper flow of Qi in the environment, and Tai Qi, Qi Gong, Shiatsu Massage and Acupuncture to ensure a proper flow of Qi in the body. Like those ancient scholars, today’s Feng Shui masters understand the pattern of this energy flow; they understood that any living creature could benefit from this technique, especially humankind.
Seasonal cycles, locations, orientations and weather conditions could, however, create imbalances. The ancient scholars therefore created formulas that continue to be applied today to understand the forces of nature by analyzing the Qi frequencies and the combination of elements or the lack of elements that make up our environment. They acknowledged that every element in the physical world, each with its unique energy type, is constituted of the 'life force', or Qi. According to them these energy types correspond to materials that exist in nature, such as Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood and there is a color scheme that corresponds to each energy type.
As a Tibetan Buddhism practitioner, I will introduce some practise Puja and Dorje together with Tibetan feng shui practise to Buddhism only.
Let’s open the door to authentic Feng Shui and its many useful and practical applications for the modern world. Thousands of years of accumulated wisdom are there to guide you along the way.
Wishing you an abundance of good ch’i,
Service Staffs.
風君子 - Windz
金龍子 -Golden Dragon
青风子 - Affiliate
墨玉 - Jade
鳳雛星 - Affiliate
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